Mini & Melanie

Every morning, when I walk down stairs, the
It feels like a year has passed but it's only five months. In this short time, Mini and Mel have become my best pals.
There are moments when Mini and Mel just make me crack up. One such moment truly showed their innocence:
It was a breezy morning, and I was walking downstairs with my mind on breakfast. I lumbered down stiffly, half asleep, with my knuckles rapping on the wooden rail. Mini and Mel interpreted the noise I was making as someone knocking on the door, and they were instantly in an uproar. Barking, panting, and wagging their tails, they rushed up the front door. "Lets see who's there!!! I said in mock excited voice.
Mini and Mel are sources of comfort to us as we are to them. As we were getting them groomed at Petsmart, Mini and Mel were shivering next to me and as soon as I crouched down to comfort them, I was engulfed. As the groomer came to take Mel, Mel looked back with doleful eyes. When it was Mini's turn she covered in between my legs. Finally she sat down stubbornly, facing me, so that the trainer had to drag her, with Mini slipping and sliding the whole way.
Every moment with Mini and Melanie is a moment I treasure. They make everyday 300% better. Mini and Mel, you will always have a special place in my heart!!
Love you Min-Min & Mellikins - Rohi
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