Treasured Gift

I always knew my best friend was going to move. She said it many times. But back then, I was seven and I did not care much. My thoughts were mostly about when we were going to have a sleepover and what she thought about the latest movie. Two years seemed like a million. Turns out, it wasn't. So, on that faithful day, two weeks before she would finally leave, she gave me something that gradually made me realize that she was going, forever, away, from me. I looked at the friendship globe that she gave me many times. Hoping that by hoping I could bring back the part of me that was once here.

Now two years later, I don't call her as much. Idon't see her as much and I definitely don't remeber her as much. But when I do, I always remember the gift she left behind.

I am sure she remembers my gift. I am sure she remembers me. What I'm not sure of is whether she is the same friend she used to be. That is why I love my friendship globe. It is the one memory of her that will never change. To this day my friendship globe stands on a shelf, and it's one of my most prized posssessions. Not because it is costly or beautiful but because of the memories it brings back; because of the person it brings back.


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